
Tetris is 30 jaar oud!

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vrijdag, juni 6, 2014 - 15:57

Tetris is vandaag 30 jaar oud. Heb jij het weleens gespeeld? Tetris was een van de eerste games die ik speelde, en ik vind het nog steeds leuk!

Hier is een stukje uit het interview met Pajitnov in TIME over Tetris:

As one of the most popular puzzle video games in the world celebrates its 30th anniversary, we speak with the man who created it and the man who helped sell it to the world.

Thirty years ago today, a little game about dropping geometrically strange thingamajigs — originally clusters of punctuation marks — into neat, lookalike rows kicked off on a wild journey that led it (and it’s Russian creator, Alexey Pajitnov) out of a metamorphosing Soviet Union to the United States, and from “blockbuster” sales of 2 million already by 1988 to over 425 million paid mobile downloads today.

That game, dubbed Tetris by Pajitnov after the Greek word for the number four, is today one of the most popular video games of all time. It’s played by celebrities, been name-checked by shows like The Simpsons and The Big Bang Theory, appeared (in playable form) on the sides of skyscrapers, found its way into dozens of scientific studies (including one that determined playing the game reduces cravings for food, booze and cigarettes) and appears in New York City’s Museum of Modern Art — a permanent addition to the museum’s exhibit on Applied Design.

Lees verder!

Wil jij ook weer eens een klassiek potje Tetris spelen? Ga dan naar Tetris and Friends, en speel daar de 1989 mono versie.

